finaplana AG is pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Andres Claudius Pfister has been certified as the newest XSCALE Product Management Coach (XPMC) in Switzerland.
Prof. Dr. Andres Claudius Pfister
Prof. Dr. Pfister holds the position of Professor of Leadership at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Switzerland.
He is a lecturer in the MAS Leadership & Management (Topics: MbO, Problem Solving, Ethics) and active in several customer specific leadership development programs.
His area of focus includes research and publications on the topics of leadership, ethics and leadership responsibility, destructive leadership, leadership decision making, leadership in architecture and civil engineering.
XSCALE Product Management (XPM) helps you maximise the amount of business value you deliver, consistently and flexibly.
- Proven, pragmatic and simple techniques
- Practices you can apply immediately in your own organisation
- Gain an industry recognised XPM Practitioner (XPMP) certification
Next Course In Zürich, 4-5 July. Click here for more details.
Brought to you by finaplana AG, the Swiss leaders in Agile Organisation, and XSCALE Alliance, the global leaders in organisational agility:
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